Winter is here and with it comes winter storms that can wreak havoc on your home or business. Nipper Electric, professional electricians right here in Virginia Beach, wants to keep you safe this winter. From electrical issues to power outages to wiring problems, we provide fast and dependable work for the entire Virginia Beach area. To prevent further damage and avoid dangerous electrical hazards, here are a few things to consider during Virginia’s snowiest month.
Be Cautious with Winter Appliances & Devices- Every winter, people love to bring out their cozy electric blankets and space heaters. These devices are fine for temporary use and perfectly safe when used properly. However, many people leave electric blankets plugged in or space heaters running unattended. Be careful by:
- Checking for wear and tear on cords.
- Unplugging heaters or blankets when not in use.
- Never leave any space heater or electrical blanket on if you aren’t using it.
- Keep space heaters away from curtains, bedclothes or any flammable materials.
- Don’t use extension cords as permanent outlets for any winter device.
Get an Electrical Checkup or Troubleshooting Inspection
If you have recently moved into a house or have been in a house for over ten years, you will need an electrical inspection. Homes you are unfamiliar with could have hidden electrical problems that might cause dangerous electrical issues. If you’ve lived in the same place for a while, new appliances and devices have been introduced to the home that may be overloading your electrical panel. Call your trusted electrician in Virginia Beach at Nipper Electric if you notice any of the following:
Sparking Outlets
- Warm Outlets
- Arcing
- Buzzing Sounds
- Loose Plugs
- Frayed or Damaged Wiring
Take Your Generator for a Test Run
Many of us have generators along the Virginia Beach coastline. Storms hurl at us all year long and a quality generator will add extra safety protection for your home or business. Especially during winter, when loss of power is much more common. However, you don’t want to be in the middle of an emergency only to find your generator isn’t working. If you didn’t have your generator tested, have a professional electrician to stop by and make sure it is safe. If you don’t have a generator yet, feel free to call our experts at Nipper Electric to guide you through the process.
Add or Improve Safety Measures
During winter, it’s important to have safety measures in place should a major winter storm occur. To keep your house safe, improve or install the following safety measures:
- Circuit Breakers
- GFCI Outlets
- Whole House Surge Protectors
- Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Any of these safety measures will help keep your home safer through every season. If you have any questions about safety precautions or need an alarm installed, Nipper Electric is here with the answers you need. We have over 15 years experience in electrical contracting in Virginia Beach.
What to Do When Electrical Shocks Happen
Being prepared for an electrical shock emergency is vital to the survival of your family and friends. If you see someone being shocked, follow these steps:
- Do not rush to pull them away. A person experiencing electrical shock has become a conductor. When you touch them, you will be shocked as well.
- Run to shut off electrical power source.
- If you cannot shut off the power source, use a wooden pole, board, or any other wooden non-conductive item to push the person away from the electrical current.
- Call 911 Immediately.
- Begin Emergency services, including CPR.
- Keep the victim warm.
- Bandage any burns or injuries with clean gauze.
Electrical shock is a serious hazard that can occur at any home or office. The team at Nipper electric takes your safety and the safety of your friends and family very seriously. Call us today at 757-842-1710 or make an appointment online. We work with our clients to make sure they receive fast, effective, and reliable electrical work at prices they can trust. Don’t hesitate to call us with any concern, no job is too big or too small.