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Electrical Inspections Save Lives

Electrical Inspections Save Lives

A professional electrical inspection is one of the best ways to keep your home or business running smoothly. Keeping your home running not only helps you save money, it can also keep you safe. Every year, there are over 350,000 house fires.  These fires might have been avoided with a routine electrical checkup.

The Nipper Electric team of professionals is dedicated to serving the needs of the Virginia Beach area. To keep you and your loved ones safe, here is a checklist of tips to help you prevent electrical issues and hazards in your home or office.

  • Perform a Quick Checkup At Least Twice a Year- Harsh weather in the winter and summer can easily stretch your wiring and damage different areas of your home. It is important to do a quick walkthrough of your home and/or business at least at the end of winter and the beginning of fall.  Also, try to keep track of any changes during the year. When you do this you can find electrical equipment that is becoming worn down. Worn out equipment creates a drag on your power.
  • Inspect Outside Wires and Cables, Especially Where They Connect to the Home- The areas where your cables and wires connect to a building are often more vulnerable to damage. Look for the following issues:
    • Frayed Wiring
    • Loose Connections
    • Gnaw Marks from Animals
    • Disconnected Wires
  • Inspect Tree Limbs Near Power Lines, Cables and Wires- During winter, snow and ice can weigh down branches. The extra weight can make tree limbs bend, break or start to touch dangerous electrical wires. The sometimes dry weather of both winter and summer can make branches brittle and dry. These dry branches can also break and land on wires or cables, causing increased danger. If you see any loose branches or branches that have grown close to the wire, immediately contact your power company to have them removed.
  • Have Your Wiring Inspected, Especially in Homes Built in the 1960s and 1970s.- During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum wiring replaced the copper wiring. While aluminum wiring can still work, it can come with a few issues. Signs of faulty wiring can include:
    • Burnt Wire Insulation
    • Flickering Wiring
    • Warm Plate Covers
    • Warm Switches
    • Warm Receptacles
    • Loose Plugs
    • Outlets Sparking
    • Noticeably Higher Electrical Bills
    • Loose Connections

Aluminum wiring can easily be repaired by professional electricians like your trusted experts at Nipper Electric. The solution can quickly save your home money and prevent electrical dangers.

  • Check Your Panel- Over the winter and summer months, panels tend to carry heavier electrical loads. When your panel becomes overwhelmed by the electrical demand of your household, it can become overheated. Signs of an overheated or overloaded panel include:
    • outside-electrical-panel-workBuzzing Sounds
    • Sparks
    • Overheating
    • Frayed or Damaged Wiring
    • Power Outages

An overloaded panel can cause a lot of issues for your home or business. Contact your trusted electrician in Virginia Beach if you experience any of these issues.

Simple Inspections Done By Professional Electricians in Virginia Beach

A quick routine inspection of your home is important to keep it running smoothly and safely. If you’ve experienced any electrical issues in your home, call Nipper Electric today at 757-842-1710. To avoid future issues, you can schedule an appointment online or in person. Our professional electricians are here to help you with any electrical job, big or small.