Save Money While Saving Energy with Professional Tips
Just like winter, summer comes with high utility bills and energy challenges. Nipper Electric understands the need to keep cool and stay within a budget. Our family owned business has served the Virginia Beach area for over 18 years. We work hard to save you time and money with professional electric services like:
- Green Technology
- LED Light Conversions
- Solar Panel Installations
- Ceiling Fan Installations
- Dimmers
- Timers
- Energy Efficient Technology
Summertime Electric Blues
Keeping cool during summer can be expensive especially in Virginia Beach. Electricity and utilities routinely rise during summer. Plus, there’s the extra cost of cooling the home and powering all those extra devices. All of those demands mean higher utility bills. Luckily, Nipper Electric is here to help with easy tips that could end up cutting your utility bill in half.
Cooling Costs
On average, cooling costs make up around 50% of summer electric costs. Here are a few ways to combat the heat without battling your budget.
- Annual Checkups– Worn out or damaged air conditioners have to work harder to push cool air out. An annual checkup will keep air conditioners running smoothly and efficiently.
- Keep Filters Clean– Monthly changing your air filter will not only cut costs, it will make the air healthier too. Clean filters allow air to flow easier throughout the home.
- Just Right– Air conditioners need to fit the space they are in. Too small and the air conditioner will run constantly, wasting power. Too big and air conditioners will create uneven temperatures, higher bills and more wear and tear on the unit.
Adjustable Comfort– Programmable thermostats really cut down on costs without cutting out your comfort. These devices will help control your climate in a way that is efficient, comfortable and easy. Simply program the thermostat to run air less often while you are away and gradually increase cooling as you come home.
- Add a Fan– Ceiling fans can make a big difference for cooling or heating your home. Using a fan during peak hours can cut your costs by lowering the temperature of the room at least 4°.
Sneaky Energy Thieves
Your home has a lot of little energy thieves that sneak energy while you don’t even notice it.
Phantom Energy- Plugged in items drag energy from your electric load even when they aren’t running. Using a power strip, having a main charging area or unplug items as they aren’t being used.
Peak Energy Use- Power companies charge higher rates during peak hours of energy use. Choosing to charge electronics, do laundry or run dishwashers during off hours can make a big difference in your electric costs.
Timers- Having technology, lights, fans and anything else on timers will greatly cut your costs. Items with timers are less likely to be left on to drain power. Timers can also make sure that technology runs just while you use it.
Light Conversions- LED lights have come a long way and save a lot of money. Installing LED light conversions can give you the same power and light of your conventional lights at a much lower price.
Stay Cool All Summer
Summertime should be spent enjoying time with family and friends, not worrying about your budget. With a few electrical upgrades or adjustments, you can take control of your budget and your summer. Nipper Electric will help keep your summer days cool and electric bill low. Call us today at 757-842-1710 to get started. Or you can make an appointment online while you start planning your summer fun!