Childproof Outlets
It’s only natural for parents to want to protect their young children from injuries as much as possible. Younger children are more vulnerable to injuries from electric shocks than older people, and very young kids cannot understand how dangerous electrical outlets can be. Childproof outlets are perfect additions to any home with small children.
Nipper Electric in Chesapeake is committed to ensuring our customers’ properties are as safe as possible, and this is especially true for their children. If you have any concerns about the electrical outlets in your home and want an extra layer of peace of mind, Nipper Electric in Chesapeake can install childproof outlets that eliminate the risk of your child suffering an electrical shock.
How Do Childproof Outlets Work?
Virtually everyone has seen basic electrical outlet covers before. These small pieces of plastic take the place of an electrical plug, covering the holes of an outlet and preventing anyone from sticking their fingers inside. Unfortunately, these covers may only work in select cases, and some small children may eventually figure out how to remove them.
Most young kids are curious and persistent, and these conventional outlet covers may do little to stop a toddler from prying them off of the outlets they protect. Professionally installed childproof outlets are much more difficult for children to operate and provide much more robust protection against electric shocks because of this.
Choose Nipper Electric for Childproof Outlet Installation
If you want the most complete protection possible for your children when it comes to your electrical outlets, Nipper Electric in Chesapeake can help you determine the childproofing options that are right for you. For example, if you have an outlet that power devices or appliances that must remain plugged in, we can install locking outlet covers your child will be unable to open. If you want to childproof other outlets, we can install switch covers with spring-loaded sliding plates that cover outlet holes when not in use.
Your Nipper Electric team member will assess your current outlet system and help you determine the highest risk areas of your home when it comes to your kids and electrical shocks. Once we determine which outlets require protection, we will help you select the equipment that feels the best to you. Conventional outlet covers can only do so much, and most kids can figure out how to remove them fairly easily. Don’t leave your child’s safety up to cheap plastic and choose professional childproofing from Nipper Electric instead. Call us in Chesapeake today at (757) 296-7594 to schedule childproof outlet installation for your home.