Electrical Subpanels
There are many ways to configure electrical power in a structure, whether it’s a residential property or a commercial building. The electrical panel within the structure is responsible for safely managing the flow of power into the structure from the local grid connection, but this may not be the only panel in a building’s power structure. Electrical subpanels can help a property owner keep their power system under tighter control.
If you have an electrical subpanel in your Chesapeake property, or if you have been having electrical problems lately and believe you need to upgrade your electrical system, our team can help. Electrical subpanels can offer many different benefits and serve several purposes, but they require professional installation, maintenance, and repairs, just like regular electrical panels. At Nipper Electric in Chesapeake, our team can handle all kinds of electrical subpanel work, including installation, maintenance, and repairs.
How Do Electrical Subpanels Work?
An electrical subpanel is essentially a smaller electrical control panel that is attached to your property’s main electrical panel. The subpanel typically rests between the main panel and one or more circuits down the line, effectively separating these circuits from the circuits connected directly to the main panel. Electrical subpanels are effective for large properties in which having a single electrical panel may not be practical.
Electrical subpanels are common in buildings like duplexes, apartment buildings, and commercial properties with multiple units. Subpanels can keep the circuits from different sections of a structure separate from one another and make remodeling a structure easier. An electrical subpanel can also accommodate new circuit breaker installation in a structure when the structure’s main panel is full of existing breakers.
Work With Nipper Electric for Electrical Subpanel Work
If you need to install an electrical subpanel in your Chesapeake property, or if you already have a subpanel that requires professional attention, Nipper Electric is here to help. Our team has extensive hands-on experience working with all types of electrical subpanel configurations. We will thoroughly assess your electrical system and help you determine the best subpanel system for your needs.
Remember, if you have any subpanel problem that is causing power issues in your home, do not hesitate to contact the professionals at Nipper Electric in Chesapeake to avoid serious electrical accidents. Our team takes electrical safety very seriously and will ensure your electrical subpanel work is completed swiftly while adhering to all applicable electrical safety codes. Contact us today at (757) 296-7594 to schedule electrical subpanel installations, repairs, and maintenance in Chesapeake.