Electrical Panel Installation
Whether you’re replacing your electrical panel due to age, damage, new construction, or simply installing a new one in your home, you’ll want to make sure it gets done correctly and safely. There’s a lot to consider with this type of project because it’s important it gets done right: your electrical panel controls the input of power in your house and installing one incorrectly or installing the wrong style can cause major issues in the future.
Electrical projects must stand by local codes and laws. Usually, they also need to have permits and be inspected by local specialists. These directions shouldn’t be looked at as road blocks, since they will help to ensure that your home is up to modern standards and safe. Taking the time now will save money and headaches in the future, especially if you’re hoping to sell.
If NEC 110.26 or NEC 240.24 don’t mean anything to you, it’s best to have a professional be the one to determine where an electrical panel will be installed. Certain codes and restrictions apply to different types of structures that are determined by the National Electric Code. Even though you may want your panel installed in a place that seems most appropriate and convenient, it may not be the best place per the codes which are designed for safety as well as access during an emergency or a repair.
Not only are there location restrictions, but once the proper location is determined there are restrictions on height as well. The disconnect handle has to be between 6 and 7 feet high so a person of average height is able to turn off as needed without any extra equipment (a ladder or a step stool, for example).
If you aren’t a licensed electrician, then you probably aren’t up to speed on all the codes that have been developed or altered over the years. As time goes on, codes, standards, and procedures are changed or dismissed. Using a professional and licensed electrician is the smartest, safest, and most cost effective choice you can make when it comes to any major electrical work performed on your home or business.
At Nipper Electric we have over 25+ years of experience as family owned and operated, fully licensed electricians. We pride ourselves on quality work and customer satisfaction, and that’s why we offer a lifetime warranty (up to 25 years) on our labor. We want to make sure you get the right installation service you need. Contact us today and let us walk you through what we can do for you.